Five9’s Communications Logo

Access Control Systems

Provide a Safe, Secure Workplace

Access Security

Protect your employees, assets, and data with an access control system from Five 9s Communications. Our access security technology allows Utah business owners to remotely control building access hours, staff access, and detect unauthorized access.


Decrease your risk of theft and other security threats with 24/7 security management.

Close-up Of Using Keycard To Open The Door Or Scan Keycard Open

What does an access control system do?

Access control systems are all-in-one solutions that determine how and when your building can be accessed, as well as who can enter or exit. Modern systems allow business owners to remotely control their business access using the latest IP browser technology. These security systems can be served onsite or using a cloud service.

Door Access Control

Restrict access on a door-by-door basis. Designate user access based on schedules and access rights. Remotely grant or revoke access.

Key Management

Choose from a variety of access options including keycards, key fobs, biometrics, Bluetooth credentials, and pin pad entry. Provide remote access for employees that forget their key.

Closures Management

Set building access hours with automatic locking systems. Manage hours remotely using your desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Intrusion Detection

Track and report building access. Receive alerts when unauthorized access is attempted or achieved. Ask about our perimeter radar systems and other advanced security solutions.

Access Control in Apartment Communities

On-Premise Security vs Cloud-Based Security

Compare the two types of access security service.
Server Location
Maximum security
Secure, but can be susceptible to threats
Higher upfront cost due to hardware and license purchases
Annual or monthly SaaS subscription
Specialists needed to perform updates and other maintenance work
Updates, maintenance, and support covered in subscription cost
Difficult to change security vendors but integrates with existing security systems
Integrates easily with existing security solutions

Manufacturers We Work With

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Contact Us

Northern Utah
(801) 334-5959
640 W 1100 S
Suite 5
Ogden, Utah, 84404
Southern Utah
(435) 412-5959
169 W 2710 S Circle
Suite 220
St. George, Utah, 84970

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